

We want to instill academic excellence in all of our student-athletes by encouraging them to apply the same work ethic, commitment, and dedication in the classroom as expected on the field.  To assure academic achievement, we will implement various programs to insure our student-athlete’s success in the classroom.


Study Hall
One, or more nights a week, players with deficiencies, or players whose average in a class is below a C will be required to attend a mandatory study hall for at least one hour.

For those student athletes needing additional help, we will provide tutoring during study hall.  Peer tutoring is also used during this time. (BETA Club, retired teachers etc.)

Progress Reports
Each position coach will be required to obtain a full progress report from each of their players bi-weekly.

Classroom Attendance Reports
Teachers will be requested to inform the coaching staff of any classroom misbehavior and tardiness.  In addition, each student athlete will be subject to random classroom checks. 

Standardized Testing
Every athlete that desires to be recruited to play collegiate sports will be required to make a qualifying score on the ACT, or the SAT prior to signing an athletic scholarship.  Athletes are encouraged to take the appropriate standardized test and have the scores sent to the NCAA Clearinghouse. Test taking strategies will be implemented through weekly installments and studying material will be available for students-athletes when needed.  

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